UNEMPLOYMENT, cause and consequences

  A man spends one third of his life as working member. It is most important not because he spends one third of his life in this role but it mould his life and describe how status in the society. He earns not only money but also respect in the society. Today unemployment became one of the most important social problem. This degrading not only society but also economy and creating chaos in the families. Today youths are not getting jobs, if the get it is not suitable to his qualifications. So what would be the reason? 

  If a degree holder works as pitty  clerk in office will not be consider as employed person, he is underemployed person. A person having potentialities to work, willing to work, but unable to find work is an Unemployed person. This is unemployment. 
  There are elements of unemployment such as follows 
1)    individual should be willing to work. 
2)    individual should be capable of working. 
3)     individual must make effort to find work. 

   Unemployment may be rural or urban or seasonal, cyclical and technological. Seasonal unemployment may be seen in agriculture sector, certain manufacturing units like sugar. Workers in this sector remain out of work for about six months in year. Cyclical unemployment causes because of ups and downs in economy. Lorge scale migration of people from rural to urban area leads to industrial unemployment. Introduction of automation and new technology causes technological unemployment. 

  Economist says unemployment is because of lack of capital, lack of investment and high production. When demand decline for the product of industry, price drop, factories close down, wage stop and men are shifted from employed to unemployed status. Unemployment is caused by disruption of economic structure. 
  Unemployment can not be ascribed only to economic factor. Social and personal factors equally contribute to unemployment. It is combination of social factors like degrading social status, rapide growth of population. Defective educational system, lack of experience, unfitness and illness. 

   Unemployment has many consequences, it affects an individual,family, and society. Unemployed person faces disillusionment, fall into depression. Having not outlets to release their depression, young persons tune their energies into wrong channels. Plight of an earning person who losses his job is equally sad. Ex-wage earner are Valnurable to physical illness, tension,suicide and crime because lack of working opportunity makes it impossible for them to support their dependents.
   Unemployment affects the unity of family members. Tension between the unemployed husband and wife increases and conflicts between parents and children also arise. Finally unemployment breakdown social structure. 

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