Why India's population is so high

India's population 

India is home to more than 17 percent of world population and become second largest country in the world next to China which has 19.4 percent of world population. By 2030 India will surpass the China. Today India's population is equal to combined population of USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Japan. 

Scale at which India's population is increasing is a simply mind blogging. In 1951 India's total population stood at 36.10 crore and in 1961 it was 43.92 crore and by 2011 it reached to 121 crore. During 2001-2011 India's population increased by 181 million.  According to state of world population 2019 report by UNFPA , India's population grew at an avg of 1.2 percent annually between 2010 and 2019 which is more than annual growth rate of China. At present one out of every 6 person in the world is from india.

Causes of population growth 

Widening gap between birth rate and death rate

During 1951 -1961 average annual birth rate stood at 42 per thousand population and it is come down to 24.8 per thousand in 2011. Death rate also come down from 27 per thousand population in1951-1961 to just 8 in 2011. Thus birth rate has shown moderate decline and death rate has gone sharply.  This widening gap between birth rate and death rate increased population rapidly. 

Marriage at lower age

Indian history witnessed child marriage practice was common in society. According to 1931 census 72 percent marriage in India were performed before the age of 15 years and 34 percent before ten years of age. After the independence we recorded continues increase in the mean age of marriage among male and female. Though the age of marriage has continuously increasing but yet large number of girls even today marry at age below 18 year. Thus fertility rate rises as marriage happens in early age, this leads to population growth.

Low literacy rate 

Women education is most important in family planning. Women education can be linked directly to marriage, status of women, fertility and infant mortality rate. According to 2011 census overall literacy rate in India stood at 74.04. Male literacy percentage is 82.14 while female is just 65.46. Education makes a person broad minded, open to new ideas,  help in decision making and family planning.  If both men and women illiterate they would be Orthodox, illogical, lack of decision making and they don't bother about family planning. 

Religious Attitude

Conservative peoples are against use family planning. There are women who do not make and follow family planning.  Some women think that purpose of women's life is to bear children and they can not go against wishes of God. Some people think that having more children is asset to their families. 
These are all contributing to uncontrolled population growth pushing India towards first place. By 2030 India will surpass the china and become most populated country in the world. 

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