Global Gender Gap 2020 | India

India's global gender gap index 2020

Few day back World Economic Forum released report on global gender gap. It placed India at 112 rank. India dropped by 4 points from 108th rank in 2018. It is mater of concern that India is facing gender discrimination and gap is widened. This index is formulated based on 4 dimensions Economic participation & opportunities, Education attainment, health and political empowerment these are taken into account. India's 112th rank shows that India going through several problems related to gender parity. It seems that India showing negligence in certain areas like woman issue and gender discrimination. However India is on its stand to improve women and gender gap. After independence it took many measures to improve conditions but it is mater of concern that India still facing problems that we have to address.
India launched many schemes to enhance and empower woman conditions  and make her more resourceful but the question rise whether these schemes properly implemented or not.
India's rank in Economic Participation of woman is 149 it shows that woman are economically weak. Woman participation in Labour force is also lowest in the world despite many schemes to empower her. The schemes like support to training & empowerment program  (STEP) for woman is intended to enhance her skills, mainly it is launched to help rural woman and urban poor. Mahila e-Haat scheme is brought to strengthen financial inclusion for woman entrepreneurs and there are many schemes to improve her economically and resourcefully but it is still problem.
We have launched campaign Beti Bachao Beti Padao in 2015 to spread awareness about girls education to make her educate so that she can take major decision in family.  Woman education is most important in family planning.  There is saying that if we educate one man we just develope one man but if we educate one woman we educate entire family.  When we look into literacy rate of India, we find only 64.6% of woman are literate against 80.9% of man. India got rank 112 in education attainment, still many girls are dropped out from school is still a problem.
In health and survival India's rank is 150 it is worst situation for India. Government launching many schemes to enhance her health like Pradhan Mantri ujjval yojan release her from smoking kitchen and Pradhan Mantri matru vandan yojan to ensure safe delivery and good nutrition for pregnant woman. Despite many schemes India is one among country with highest rate of malnourished female and poor socioeconomic conditions  woman limit her to access adequate health care and only small percentage of woman in India have access to clean hygiene. India made good progress in political empowerment of woman today many women are participating in election. And few seats are reserved for women. In this India did good and got 18th rank.
This Global Gender Gap Index shows that still India have to take many measures and bring wide perspective policies  in order to quell the these kind of problems. 

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