What is CAA and why CAA protest in India

Citizenship (Amendment) Act

Since amendment of citizenship ( amendment) act 2019, we have witnessed several protests, strike, hartal, across india. Peoples were demonstrating anger against implementation of CAA 2019, due to this act all kind of protests, hartal, vandalism happening in various parts of India. In return of these protests government authorities came down heavily on people by mass shooting by police, police vandalism,lathi charge on mass,and mass arrest. Question comes in mind what actually is CAA ?. What is Couse of protests and spreading across India? Before going to CAA we have to understand citizens in India.


Citizens are the members of Indian states and they enjoy all rights like civil and political rights. Article 5 to 11 of Indian Constitution deals with the citizens, but in these articles person is identified as citizen at commencement of India Constitution on Jan 26 1950. Problems related to citizens like acquisition or loss of citizenship does not mention in Constitution, for this purpose parliament of India made an act called citizenship act,1955. And this act ammended several time in 1986, 1992, 2003 and 2005. As per Indian Constitution citizens are the persons 
1). Who domicile in India
2). Who migrated from Pakistan
3). Who migrated to Pakistan but later returned
4). Person of Indian origin residing outside India 
At commencement of Indian Constitution.

Citizenship Act, 1955

This act provide for acquisition and loss of citizenship after the commencement of Indian Constitution. This act provide five ways to acquire citizenship i.e. 
1). By birth
2). By discent
3). Registration
4). Naturalization
5). Incorporation of territory
And it also gives ways of losing citizenship.

Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019

Parliament of India passed Citizenship (Ammended) Bill, 2019 on wed 11 Dec 2019. And president assent on 12 Dec. This act is made to help illegal migrants who come to India before 31 Dec 2014 from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh and these people can apply for Indian Citizenship only people belonging to Hindu, Christian, Sikhs, Jain, Buddhist.
Provided that for the person belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi, Christian from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, aggregate period of residence of government in India as required under the Clause shall be not less than five years in place of not less than eleven years.

Why protests coused

The protests erupted mainly on 3 issues those are 
1). why only 3 countries even having our neighborhood country like Bhutan, Nepal, Srilanka and China.
2). Why it excluded Muslims 
3). Why it considered religious persecution
These are the main reason that protests happened across India
 These protests begin from Assam, Delhi, Meghalaya later it spread to various parts of India. Protesters cuncern that it would deprive the Muslim.

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