Climate change that creater of many problemes

Climate change 

sudden increase in rainfall causing flood like situations that leading to many problems like landslide lose of house by flooding, loss to farmers, summer becoming hotter and hotter day by day resulting to high temperature, rising up to 50 degree resulting into death of people, creating drought like condition, depleting ground water moving towards water crisis. burning of forests leads to biodiversity, habitat of many species and huge release of carbon to environment that leads to global warming. all problems are being created by climate change which is of human induced problems.climate change is one of the major problem that world facing today and which has sever impact on environment and livelihood of human being. this climate change does not happen in one day or two days. it is long period change in weather condition of areas culminated to climate change. since many years scientist saying that world will face sever climate change problem if we do not consider it as biggest problem seriously. in the name of infrastructure development humane felling the trees, destroying forest ecosystem and biodiversity, producing carbon dioxides all resulting into climate change.  

Recently Global Climate Risk Index 2020 has released by environmental think tank germanwatch this report says that climate change impacting on economy, losses to GDP, many people forced to leave their homes due to flooding caused by climate change. In 2018 southwest monsoon severely impacted India, specially Kerala where heavy economic loss has been recorded due to heavy rainfall, roads are destroyed by landslides. And this report also cited that Japan, Philippine, Germany, Madagascar and India are more vulnerable to climate change.

IUCN saying that climate change threatening many species,  habitats, biodiversity are destroying. No.of plants and animals are under heavy pressure,  about 1840 New species of plant and animals are at risk of extinction and more than 30000 species are under threat of disappearing. This everything is created by climate change which is human induced problem.
Annual climate change conference I.e COP 25 has held in Madrid,  from this conference it has been concluded that world has not done enough to save itself from climate change.   
Climate change has potential to impact severely on Indian people because around 80 % of Indian population are depends directly or indirectly on  Agriculture and climate change impacting agriculture severely, suddenly increase in rainfall in some part of India created flooding and causing  huge crop loss and people loss their houses, pushing them towards resource less. In summer, temperature increasing up to 50 degree Celsius making environment hotter which leads to drought like conditions. Ground water is depleting due this climate creating water crisis. As per Niti Ayoga 20 major cities in India will experience water crisis severely. Monsoon is one of hope for Indian farmers but it's pattern is changing due to climate change.

From few years we are hearing news of forest fire and recently Bush fire in Australia is destroying forests. Scientists claimed this is due climate change.  In Amazon forests also we have seen fire that destroyed huge forests land day by day forests fire is recording. It is one of serious issue that world should think. Forests fire create many problems like it destroy biodiversity and habitats and alter ecosystem, many species will die that we witnessed in Australia Bush fire. Huge carbon dioxide will be released to atmosphere that leads to global warming.  Loss in forests cover will alter rainfall pattern. Many tiny islands are under threat that they will be under the sea because rise in temperature the glacier and ice cape are melting which will rise sea level. Scientists claimed this is due to climate change.

Climate change has potential to damage environment if we can not take step at right time and recognize it as global problems. All countries come together and work together to fight with climate change. 

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