Daily wage worker and poor peoples in the midst of lockdown | India

Corona virus spreading across the world very fast and exponentially and impacting almost all the countries of all region. It started from china and gradually spread to almost all countries and day by day COVID 19 cases are moving high each and every country facing sever problems that created by corona virus.almost all countries lockdown themselves in order to contain the spread of the corona virus and this lockdown created problems and panic among the peoples.

Initially in India it was not that much of danger but gradually COVID 19 positive cases started increasing  created panic among the peoples. India being huge country geographically and congested country with variety of culture and religions.In such country once the virus spread in large number it would cause heavy loss and problems and it would be very difficult to contain spread of virus. Gov. of India took sudden and stringent action to stop the spread of corona virus. Initially it imposed Janata corfew for one day later it imposed complete lockdown across country for 21 days. each and ever economic activities are banned accept some essential services. 

In this lockdown most hitted section of peopls are poor peoples and daily wage workers. these people live their life on daily wages and some peoples work in small factory and companies, shopping malls etc. due to lockdown almost everything was banned. they are left with nothing no job, no work, no money. how could they survive. after few days of lockdown impose gradually plight of the these section of people  come to surface. factories, shopping malls where they work were sending them home, no compensation was provided for survive. most of these section of people are from other states and they are forced to go their hometown due to no availability of work, money and food. due to no basic facilities to go their home they started their journey by walking 600km, 800km. after reaching their village they are not allowed to enter the village. directly or indirectly they are going through problems.  peoples who stayed in their home are facing food and ration problems. after surfacing of these problems state governments started taking measure to provide food and monetary help. at some extent these measures would relief people but irony is only few people would get all this. when we look into the situation of lockdown, it seems that government took decision without considering poor peoples and daily wage workers. did not take measures until plight of these people came to surface. 


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