Agriculture is the backbone of our country and It acts as major source of income in many countries along with India. More than 50% of India's population is dependent on Agriculture. A few decades ago peoples used to do farming using ancient tools but with advent of new technology and The Green Revolution and globalization has changed the face of agriculture. And use of High yielding varieties of food grains and vegetables has resulted into high growth of Agriculture in India 
Government has come up with many policies and initiatives to develop Indian agriculture sector. Most of India's agriculture is dependent on monsoon rainfall and rivers. To utilize this water resource for agriculture prosperity Government has come up with irrigation projects which paved the way to construction of dams, canals, wells to provide water for farmers fields. 
Our country India is a world's largest producer of fresh fruits like Mango, Banana, Guava, Papays etc. Also produces dry fruits, spices, vegetables food grains in ample quantities to provide uninterrupted supply to the 135.26 crore of Indian peoples.
Food is one of the basic necessities of human beings so it becomes more and more important sector in the eye of India to provide uninterrupted supply of food grain to people of India.
The food which we get to eat on daily doesn't come easily. farmers go through hard work on field, faces many challenges and problems, after waiting several months than food come. But farmers have to face loss due to heavy rainfall which destroye crop fields and sometimes drought which results into crop failure and other factors like locusts attack etc.
We as a society must respect the farmers and appreciate and recognize his hard work. 
Agriculture has a lot of advantages but it has some disadvantages also. Deforestation is the first disadvantage of agriculture as forests are destroye and felling of tree for development and expansion of agricultural. Huge River water is diverted for agriculture to irrigate the land leads to drying up of rivers and destruction of natural habitats, Access use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides contaminate the soils which reduces soil fertility.
We need to protect farmers as well as environment by promoting sustainable developments and wise use available resources. 

                                                           By Srija Jagan Appasu 

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