Poverty and India

Concept of Poverty | India's situation 

As of our education started, we have been learning that India is poor country and we have been witnessing today also. When we look into history we come to know that how India was rich in the past. In history we have witnessed gold coins were minted for the trade purpose and kings and landlord had housed huge amount of gold, silver and valuable things and many foreign attackers have plundered India many time but India was world's richest and developed, knowledgeable  country in the past but today's situation is very defferent. We are witnessing huge poverty side by side and most of peoples are devoid of basic necessities even don't get clean drinking water. However we are able to remove poverty to some extent but it is still major problem today.
To understand the concept of poverty we need to know its dimensions and how it is measured.  Poverty is a situation that develops the feeling of discrepancy between what one has and what one should have. When we observe people living in backward areas and slums and living with limited basic services. We understand the accumulated amount of problems that they are facing. They feel powerlessness, resourcelessness and unskilled, hardworker and get very low money for work. This leads to their low standard of living and unable to gratify physiological need that requires for survival, safety, security. Physiological needs are that an individual need minimum requirement of food and nutrition, shelter, good health condition. To fulfill these gratitude he requires minimum income. When he could not able to afford this minimum income leads to poverty. Ultimately force him to face problems like illness, starvation, malnutrition, disease and could not afford education to his children, poor family planning and put him in confusion and impact his mental ability and leads to family conflicts etc.
According to WORLD BANK poverty is measured as " An individual live on less than US $1.90 per day is considered as extreme poor and moderate poor live on less than $3.10 per day. In India poverty measures on the recommendation given by committee which are appointed by central government. Till now total six committees are set up. As per TRNDULKAR COMMITTEE  poverty is calculated in india. According to this who spends less than 27 rupees in a day is considered as poor in rural area, in urban area it is 33 rupees in a day. As per this estimate 21.9% of Indians are live below poverty line as on 2011-12

Today India is second largest populous country in the world with 135.26 crore peoples. Developing market economy with world's fifth largest economy by nominal GDP and 3rd largest by PPP and GDP of $3.2 trillion economic by nominal. With comprehensive measures and initiative, policy we are able to remove 271 million peoples out of poverty in a single decade. In 2019 Indian governments stated that 6.7% of its population is below official poverty line. According to UN MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS program 88 million Indians roughly 6.7% are living below poverty line in 2018-19.
According to Human Development Index 2019 which is published in December said that India is home to world 28% of poor and HDI ranked india 129th out of 189. This indicates that we need to take comprehensive measures in healthcare sector and education sector.  As per GLOBAL HUNGER INDEX 2019, India stands at 102 out 117 country. In 2000 India's rank was 83 out of 113 countries, Now it dropped to 102. Children are more severely impacted by hunger. This impact on country demographics in the future if we do not take comprehensive measure. 
One of the most important index is Multidimension poverty index which calculate rang of indicators to figure out poverty in given periods. Its indicators are health, cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water,electricity, housing etc. According to MDP index over 640 millions peoples across India were multidimensional poor in 2005 and it is decreased to 369.55 million by 2016, in a decade India able to remove 271 millions out of poverty.  It is great but when we see in world context we need a holistic, comprehensive plan to remove poverty completely.  However Government of India initiated number of schemes, programs to remove it. Hope it will completely remove from land of India. 

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