Indian Farmers and climate change

As we know farmers in India going through no.of problems. Right from plugging of his land to supplying of his crop to market. We only see the market flooded by agricultural products but the effort put by the farmer to reach needy one is never seen. Without any much expectation, without any recognition he is farming in his small tract of land with his family. In india more than 80 % of farmer hold less than 2 hectares of land that too in fragmented manner. He is  farming just to feed his family. Since He get up early in the morning before sunrise his mind roam around the land whole day. After the harvest and keeping with him required food grain rest will export to market. In between this period from plugging of his land to supplying of crop to market he faces no.of problems.
 We are living happy life without any hunger problem. Behind this our happy life there is hidden hand silently working and preparing food for all of us. This hand going through no.of odds, getting heated up in summer and getting wet in the rain but never stop preparing food at any situation. He is silently in the war with world's enemy hunger and malnutrition by providing food. Once his hand stop this enemy will engulf the world. 

Already he is facing with many problems like drought, heavy rainfall flooding his standing crop land devastating his land, soil erosion, still practices outdated techniques, losing fertility of soil. Irrigation problem despite government schemes and programs. But these schemes will give him some relief for some time but the main problem posing the farmers is climate change. This climate change has huge impact on agriculture. Adding more severe problem than existing problems. In the name of development we have neglected the environment. We are altered biodiversity and ecosystems. Already we are experiencing heavy rainfall in the rainy season causing huge loss to the to farmers by destroying the standing crop.  Not only impacting the farmers but it also impacting the supply of food grains to the markets. In the summer drought like conditions created by climate change Again impact on agriculture and also on water. We have been witnessing that most of states are facing with water crisis. When water is taken from outside of urban city again it put stress on that area from where water is carrying.  Putting water stress on agriculture  in that area due to this there will be low production of food grains again impact on the supply of food. Government come up with many schemes, programs, projects to enhance the agriculture production and welfare of farmers but we are ignored to save the environment. Once the environment and ecosystems are altered it's very difficult to revive it to normal. Recently government come up with the Environment Impact Assessment which will taken away the power to lodge the complaints against the illegal projects that harms the environment. Procedure to give the environment clearance to the project.  If it is implemented the normal public will loose the power to question illegal projects.  If such projects carried out in large scale it will have huge impact on the environment directly and farmers and normal peoples indirectly through the climate change. Ultimately its important to save environment as well as farmer in this fast developing world. 

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