New Education Policy 2020 | 5+3+3+4 Schooling pattern

Union Cabinet has taken awaited, forward looking step to change the old, outdated education system of our country. Indian Education system is not keeping pace with changing science and technology in dynamic world. To reform our outdated educational system union Cabinet given approval to the New Education Policy 2020 on July 29 which made Indians to look bright future ahead. Since independence we have 3 major education policies and this 2020 policy becomes 4th Policy to reform education that fit to 21st century.  In today's world the education is most important tool for development and prosperity of any country. Quality education is key to solve many problems which are hindering development of nation. Education will help in removing social evils that are eating happiness of nation, it will solve problem of poverty that is existed side by side, help in improving standard of living, help to promote gender equality, help to control population, help in family planning etc. This Policy looks 21st century needs for Mobility, Flexibility, Alternate pathways to learning and self actualization.

New Education Policy 2020 come up with new pattern of schooling i.e 5+3+3+4 by replacing old 10+2 pattern. In new model of education pattern, the schooling will start form the age of 3. First five years of school will be foundation stage which focuses on multilevel, play, activity based learning. In this stage we are dependent on Anganwadi, but negative point is Anganwadi teachers are not equipped and skilled to teach children. they should be provided with proper, effective quality training. In this five years, first 3 year will be pre primary schooling and class 1 and 2. After this foundation stage followed by 3 years Preparatory stage from class 3 to 5 where main focus is on playing, discovery, activity based and interactive classroom learning. 3rd stage is middle stage from class 6 to 8. In this stage focus is given to experimental learning in the science, mathematics, arts, social science, humanities. During this stage more focus is on vocational studies. Now every child will have opportunity to internship and learn at least one vocational craft such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making, etc. This will be given during class 6 to 12 and will be decided by state and local communities. Now students will expose to vocational training during school. This new Policy will change current practices of choosing streams after 10th class. After implementation of this policy students will choose any subjects they wish to study and it will provid flexibility to them.
Policy also proposes about the medium of instruction in school. This Policy says wherever the possible medium of instruction till class 5 but preferably till class 8 will be home language, mother tongue, local language or regional language and it applies to both public and private school.
This Policy will reduces the stress of board exams, exam will be conducted twice a year in two parts, one is objective and other is descriptive. This Policy proposes multiple entry-exit program, which means if student drop out after 1 year of college he will get certificate, after 2 year he will get deploma certificate. To implement this Policy successfully it requires huge financial support to provid infrastructures facilities and capacity building, so this Policy proposes of 6% of GDP will be spent for education. However, its impact will be seen once start implementation. Hope for bright future of Indian education. 

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