India strive to solve the problems arising from climate change through national action plan on climate change

 India and its national action plan on climate change

Climate is most important and prerequisite for the living thing on earth. In deferent climate zone we witness deferent living creature adopted to that climate but if climate of any zone  start changing it would become disastrous for living organisms living in that zone so it become at most important to protect the earth from climate change. To protect our heaven earth, the international organization and all countries took firm decision to combat the climate change. As result of this international organization came up the deferent laws and policies like Earth Summits, UNEP, UNFCCC, Paris Agreement etc. in this way india also committed to tackle the challenges that would arise from climate change, because in india most of the people, around more than 50% people of our county directly or indirectly depend on agriculture, the people living in urban area will face many problems like water crisis, heat waves in summer, and flooding. In hilly areas we witness landslide due to heavy rain fall. These problems already we have witness in past and the irony is if we ignore environment around us, one day in future it would become disastrous for us. Already we all are learnt lessen from corona virus that despite having advanced in medical we could not able to handle with the corona virus. This shows that human being capacity is inferior to that of environment. In the world so many problems would arise due to climate change as well as in india. So india committed to tackle these problem so india came up with national action plan on climate change to save india from the problems arising due to climate change.

To deal with climate change, india committed to adaptation and mitigation programs  on several front in focused manner simultaneously. This national action plan will hinges the development and new technologies and implementation through institutional mechanism by missions. There are eight national mission in national action plan on climate change, each missions will strive to solve the specific problems that would arise from climate change, not only help to tackle climate problems but also help us to live life happy.  these mission are as follow,

1.    National solar mission

2.    Nation mission for enhanced energy efficiency (NMEEE)

3.    National mission on sustainable habitat

4.    National water mission

5.    National mission for sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem (NMSHE)

6.    National mission for green india

7.    National mission for sustainable agriculture (NMSA)

8.    National mission on strategic knowledge for climate change

National solar mission will address energy security challenge by installation of 100MW solar power plants by 2022. Today we will get most of the energy from thermal power plant which is one of the source of environment polluting gasses like carbon di oxide, sulfur di oxides etc. these gasses are very danger for environment which will heat up earth and have many impact on agriculture, water crisis etc. offsetting thermal power plant by  installation of solar plant we can produce clean energy and slowly we can move toward renewable energy. Which help us to produce less carbon di oxide. To make energy more efficient, National mission for enhance energy efficiency will look for sustainable business model for energy, by promoting innovative policies and effective market instrument, and strive to save fuel which will help to cut down the production of carbon di oxide.

In urban area we will see many problems like water crisis, solid and liquid wast management, flooding etc. would create many problems if we don’t adopt proper plan.  Through the nation mission on sustainable habitat we can solve these problems by adopting innovative ideas in building infrastructure, proper planning of the cities. Through national water mission we can able to access to pure water. And proper use of water and conservation of water for future use. Himalayan ecosystem is very important because of sensitive zone high biodiversity, and become at most important to save this zone india government came up with mission call national mission for sustaining the himalyan ecosystem by promoting a sustainable development in zone. Most important is forest, due to deforestation due to development of infrastructure by felling of tree is one of the problem. We all witnessed in past that landslide during rainy season in Karnataka, keral. If grow more tree in hilly areas, it will help to reduce problems like landslides in hilly areas. Apart from this forest play important role in rain fall also. We will achieve carbon sequestration by growing more tree because forest hold carbon and produce oxygen for us.  If we fell the tree we not only destroy the forest but also result into carbon release in the environment and distraction of biodiversity. afforestation will be achieved by the mission call national mission for green. Due to climate change, agriculture have more impact, To tackle this problem through the mission called national mission for sustainable agriculture. Solve problems arising from climate change first we should have proper information, knowledge and should do research in the field of climate change so it can be achieved by the mission called national mission on strategic knowledge for climate change.


India is trying to solve the problems by mission on specific problems which are source of climate change. But these are all are missions. Twe can achieve only when these all are implemented properly .


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