Is Rape Becoming Culture In Indian ?

Woman become victim

In India when we look into history we come to know that we have long tradition of worshipping women as goddess and she is given Holy place in Indian society. but at the same time she was deprived and look inferior in the society. In India nearly half of population are woman but they undergo many problems  in society. In history she was not supposed to read Vedas and go to school and should not take decision in family, she is always inferior to men in Indian society. Women are become victim of humiliation, torture, raped, burnt and murder. To stop these kind of crimes woman government come up with many laws but still the problems remain same, day by day it's becoming worsening. Now some of major rape cases stunned India and people are with anger on slow process of justice. Today India is rapist capital of world. 

Until major incident took place we did not consider the raped as major problem. After incident of Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi in 2012 nobody was that much of serious about problems. After this incident India engulfed with protest, anger to hang the culprit to give justice to her. But it took many years to give her justice. After this incident many rape cases came to surface and is one of the major problem in India. According to NCRB's crimes in India, 2017 report total 359849 cases were against women in 2017  out of these about 32559 cases are rape in India, Madhya Pradesh recorded highest Number of rape cases in India. Most of these rape are by known person was reported by NCRB. 
In 2016, A dalit woman from poor family in Kerala was brutally raped and murder at her house. This incident shocked the state. And again in 2017 Unnao rape case come to surface, in this case the victim was kidnapped and raped by ex-BJP legislator. In 2018 Muzaffarpur shelter home case where several Minor girls were sexually and physically assaulted. In this case the prime accuse was Bihar MLA. And Kathua rape case in 2018.

Again rape and murder case in  Capital of Telangana state took place recently. The gang rape of 26 year old Hyderabad veteranian shoked the nation again. Police were able to arrest culprit within 24 hr of crime, as news spread  across city people got anger came to street and protesting, candle March to provide justice to victim family. After few days culprit were encountered and killed by police. First time India got justice speedily. 

Even having many laws and acts against crime but still it's happening in India. Today Delhi is rape capital. As per survey by Thomson Reuters Foundation India is world's most dangerous country for women and ranked first in the world. It's not matter of rank but still problems are in Indian.

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